Chronicles of Paki Series 2


Series two traces some of the extraordinary efforts made by both missionaries and Māori to resolve conflicts in the early years of our bicultural history. In this series, children will learn about people, both Māori and Pākehā, who attempted to live by the most selfless of standards even in the midst of very difficult circumstances.  Each story has been checked by known historians and relevant Iwi. As a point of interest, in these stories children will discover how many Māori embraced Christian values (including forgiveness and peace) at a level that was far higher than that of the colonial armies and those settlers who oppressed them. This is New Zealand’s untold story.

ISBN: 978-0-9941085-4-8


SKU: cp6-10 Categories: , , Tags: , , , ,


Children’s stories written by Kiwis for everyone. … these are New Zealand’s untold stories.

The second release in a series of 10 NZ stories – sold in a set of 5. Series One was released in 2014, and is also available on this website.

Series Two:

1. Henry Williams the Peacemaker
2. Ngākuku, Tārore and the Little Book
3. Te Whiwhi, Katu and Te Wai Pounamu
4. Octavius Hadfield the Friend of the Tangata Whenua
5. Wīremu Tāmihana Tarapīpipi the King Maker

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