We have a growing selection of New Zealand themed educational books and resources, including positive children’s stories on early New Zealand history.

It whets the appetite for those who would like to learn more about the effects of the Treaty…

This series is an animated presentation of events leading up to the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, the various personalities involved and of events beyond the signing. It gives the reader a glimpse into the rich history upon which our nation is built. It whets the appetite for those who would like to learn more about the effects of the Treaty, and of the place that it has in modern New Zealand society.

Pita Parone, Chairman of the Waitangi National Trust

I was born and raised here in Waitangi, my ancestors signed the Treaty. One of my passions is sharing our local perspectives on history. The Chronicles of Paki Treaty of Waitangi series has my full blessing. It’s a perfect time to release this story into the mainstream. The knowledge within it has the power to transform our nation. I sincerely believe that it will heal hearts, enlighten minds and bring about an everlasting spirit of kotahitanga [oneness].

Ngāti Kawa Taituha, The Waitangi Marae Chairman

Tēnā koutou. On behalf of the people of Ngāti Hauā, I am pleased to see the story of our ancestors Wīremu Tāmehana Tarapīpipi Te Waharoa and Ngākuku and his daughter Tārore being told for the children of New Zealand. I would like to endorse this story as an acceptable historical account of their lives.

Mokoro Gillett , Co-Chairperson Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust

The Paki series brings our early history to life in an accessible and engaging way. They are stories that deserve to be widely read by Kiwi kids.

Samuel Carpenter, Historian and trustee, Karuwha Trust

An engaging documentation and historical commentary that all schools should have.

This resource is a fresh and creative way to engage students with the history of New Zealand. As a series, it covers so many aspects of our country’s history and is an engaging documentation and historical commentary that all schools should have.

Lisa Parish, Primary School Principal

This illustrated Waitangi series for children represents the different characters well. These stories are a taonga. I encourage every parent and teacher to tell them to their children, so we can understand our past, and forge our future together.

Peeni Henare (Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi), MP for Tāmaki Makaurau

Each story should capture the imagination and interest of children in every generation.

I consider this wonderful series to be a taonga – gift. The Chronicles of Paki make for exciting reading. Each story should capture the imagination and interest of children in every generation. I am very pleased to endorse The Chronicles of Paki Treaty of Waitangi Series. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It is an excellent piece of work and I am proud to be associated with its publication. Kia ora!

The Rt Rev’d Te Kitohi Pikaahu, Bishop of Tai Tokerau

This account of my Tupuna, Patuone, is accurate, telling one small part of the life and times of this great Ariki of Ngāpuhi. As a direct descendant of this Ariki, I approve of these stories from our past, coming out as great reading for our future generations.

Mauri Ora Raniera T (Sonny) Tau

I have great pleasure in recommending the story of Te Pahi.  An excellent way to excite and encourage children of all ages to read and explore all the wonders of Māori leaders from mai rano – long ago.

Kāhore ōku nei raruraru ki te whakaara ake ano te Āo matekite o tenēi tohunga, ā Te Pahi.  He tikanga hei whakamarama atu ki ngā uri whakatipu o te wā nei, ara hoki kia panui rātou te ahua me ōna tika māori katoa o tēra  wā.

Nau Epiha, Ngāpuhi kaumatua