• Ngākuku, Tārore and the Little Book

    Great changes have come to the heart of the warrior Chief Ngākuku. He has learned the way of peace. But a huge tragedy is about to overwhelm his family. Will he hold fast to this new way of living or will he go back to the old ways? ISBN: 978-0-9941085-1-7 Get all five books in the set - The Chronicles of Paki Series Two HERE. Save over 30%
  • Henry Williams the Peacemaker

    Sickened by war, Henry Williams turns his back on a career in the English Navy. He dedicates his life to the native people of New Zealand only to find them at war. Now he finds himself standing in defence of his home with his own family at risk. A threat is being made to burn his house down. Will they survive? Will Henry Williams be able to make a difference in this new country? ISBN: 978-0-9941085-0-0 Get all five books in the set - The Chronicles of Paki Series Two HERE. Save over 30%
  • He Whakaputanga — The Declaration of Independence

    Big changes are afoot for the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand. European whalers and sealers have begun camping along the beaches. Māori are quick to recognise new prospects for trade — and at first the future looks promising. However, as more and more settlers arrive, challenges begin to arise regarding land and the disregard of Māori tikanga. Māori chiefs begin to meet to manage these changes. After 25 years of meeting together a document is prepared called He Whakaputanga. This document declares the independence of the chiefs and is designed to secure their future — and was to become a foundation stone that would make Te Tiriti o Waitangi possible. ISBN: 978-0-9941396-7-2
  • Elizabeth Colenso - the Teacher Book five of five. Born to missionary parents Elizabeth knew what the life of a missionary would be like. Blessed with the resilience and fortitude to accept the huge workload and challenges she would have to face, Elizabeth forged ahead, teaching Māori not only in her classroom lessons and but in the example of her life as well.  Unbeknown to her she was also pioneering the role of women in the workplace. ISBN: 978-0-9922571-6-3 Get all five books in the set - The Chronicles of Paki Series One HERE. Save over 30%
  • Series two traces some of the extraordinary efforts made by both missionaries and Māori to resolve conflicts in the early years of our bicultural history. In this series, children will learn about people, both Māori and Pākehā, who attempted to live by the most selfless of standards even in the midst of very difficult circumstances.  Each story has been checked by known historians and relevant Iwi. As a point of interest, in these stories children will discover how many Māori embraced Christian values (including forgiveness and peace) at a level that was far higher than that of the colonial armies and those settlers who oppressed them. This is New Zealand’s untold story. ISBN: 978-0-9941085-4-8  
  • A series with no comparison, the Chronicles of Paki — NZ's Untold Story, takes New Zealand back in time 200 years. Each story has been checked by known historians and the relevant Iwi. Learn about the relationship forged between two incredibly different cultures — European and Māori. Read about the hardships and determination of the first missionaries who came to New Zealand. Hear about the positive change that came to Māori as they embraced the missionary message they had invited to come here. Find out about the mistakes that were made and the victories that were won as missionaries tried to do good, while traders tried to make profits, while settlers sought a better life — while Maori were ironically turning away from tribal warfare towards a new way of peace. This is New Zealand’s untold story. ISBN: 978-0-9922571-8-7
  • Sale!

    Chronicles of Paki Junior series 1-5

    Original price was: $99.75.Current price is: $80.00.
    The first five books in the Junior series of the ‘Chronicles of Paki’, discounted to $80 for the five (otherwise $19.95 each).  This includes
    • Te Pōwhiri – The Welcome (Junior Series)
    • The tale of Te Pahi the Adventurer
    • The tale of Ruatara and the New Beginning
    • The tale of Patuone the Peacemaker
    • The tale of Elizabeth Colenso the Teacher
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